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Power Up With The

Peco Powerbrick

An expandlable, robust and reliable loadshedding solution made for Africa

Featured Products

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Plug and Play

PowerBrick is user-friendly and affordable for simple installation and maintenance, no expertise required.

Lithium Battery

The integrated lithium iron phosphate battery ensures a minimum of 2000 cycles, surpassing industry standard.


Boost power output by linking additional PowerBricks to your current system for increased capacity.

Robust Encloure

PowerBrick, features a durable steel enclosure and automotive-grade fittings (unlike plastic enclosures).


48 Hours

30" to 50"TV


3-9 Hours


7.5 Hours

Your Expandable

Loadshedding Solution

Experience the incredible versatility of Peco Power’s innovative mini-grid technology, designed to adapt to your evolving needs. The systems offer scalable power options ranging from 70W to 500W, with a peak power of 2500W, and flexible battery storage capacities from 150Wh to 2500Wh. Effortlessly adjust your setup by connecting additional PowerBricks to enhance your system.

Unlike conventional alternatives, the solution prioritizes seamless expandability without compromising on readability or user-friendliness. Discover the unparalleled power of flexibility with Peco Power and unlock endless possibilities for your energy requirements.

Secure Payment

Our payment proccess is secure and done through Payfast

Delivered With Care

All Items purchased are delivered and handled with care

Extend Your warranty

Get 12-month warranty with purchase, extend to 24 months by registering your product here.

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